Move From Co-Dependency to Maturity: Grow Your Wise Adult Self Skills Class

6-weeK Live ONLINE Series – From $360

Next class begins Early 2025

If you want to have healthier boundaries, learn to ask for your needs in a relational way, increase self compassion and improve your relationships, then I invite you to attend this informative, skills-based class and start your journey towards a more confident, skillful you.

Join me in learning about emotional maturity issues and how to move from a state of emotional distress into a Wise Adult state.

Do you find yourself feeling angry, disappointed, or unheard and don’t know how to express yourself in a relational way? 

Do you struggle with boundaries and have difficulty saying no to others and think you’ll upset them if you do?

Do you tend to undervalue yourself and minimize your needs?

If you find yourself trapped in reactions and unable to change even though they’re causing you distress and straining your relationships, this class is for you.



Class Details:

A Wise Adult is someone who brings awareness to observe their emotional state and develops the ability to remain present in the face of emotional distress. These Wise Adult skills are to be learned (that’s the good news!) as few of us have had them modeled or taught to us.

Each class runs for 90 minutes with 60-75 minutes of lecture and handouts and 15-30 minutes for participant questions. A weekly recorded mp3 of the lecture will be sent out to review for future personal use.

Dates: Early 2025

Time: Mondays from 7:00pm-8:30pm (PST)

Price: $360

Receive a discount if you attend class with another person using a shared screen.  Sliding scale spots available. Email me if you need a reduced fee.